If your organization is not accepting credit cards onsite—for adoption fees, donations, spay/neuter or vaccination fees, boarding costs, service payments or anything else—you’re missing out on a big source of revenue. I have used Paypal Here, Square and PhoneSwipe extensively, all in the animal rescue field. I recommend PhoneSwipe, hands down. Here’s why.
About Emily Garman
Facebook Deleting all Static FBML Page Tabs on December 5
Facebook is removing all Static FBML Page Tabs Wednesday, December 5, 2012. It’s the last chance to move your Static FBML Page tab content to an HTML tab. This post explains how to save your content and how to get it back on Facebook safely.
Free Petfinder Plugin for WordPress
TheSocialAnimal.com has developed a WordPress Plugin that will enable any website to display featured animal(s) from Petfinder.com in a variety of different ways.
Need Suggestions for Donation Vehicles that Do Not Require Bank Accounts
I need suggestions for city, county and parish shelters to be able to accept donations online that do NOT require bank account information to be linked to the account.
How to recover or claim a Facebook page that belongs to you, but someone else owns or controls
If you need to claim a page or place that belongs to you, but you don’t have control over it, watch this video for help on what to do and how to actually email to a person at Facebook.
How to add a donate button (or other custom content) to your Facebook page (Timeline Layout)
This video shows you how to use a static iFrame app (it’s okay if you have no idea what that is!) to put custom content on your Facebook page–like a donate button, a list of adoptable pets, a volunteer application or anything you want! It’s slow, step-by-step and walks you through the entire process.
Facebook Now Allows Different Page Admin Roles; Scheduling of Posts
Facebook’s new features released today allow brand pages to assign specific duties to multiple page admins, each with varying degrees of permissions. Enclosed is a chart that outlines the new roles of manager, content creator, moderator, advertiser and insights analyst. Facebook will also now allow pages to schedule posts–for past or future times.
Facebook Secret: Only 3% – 7% of your Facebook Fans are seeing your Fan Page Posts!
Engagement is “Likes”, “Comments” and “Shares”. If your number of likes, comments and shares are consistently low, EdgeRank will determine that your fans are not interested in your page posts and your post will no longer appear on your fan’s Facebook wall. A person “Liking” your page is no guarantee that they will see all […]
New Facebook Timeline Layout for Pages
On March 30, 2012, ALL Facebook pages will automatically switch to the new Timeline layout. Whether you like it or not, Timeline is here for your business or organization page, so you might as well make the most of it! I’ll show you tricks to customize your page and get it launched, and then I’ll […]
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