Our software system is specifically designed for animal welfare agencies of any size. It works for city/county open admission shelters, and it works for mom & pop breed rescues.
Online fundraising is comprised of so many elements. Think of it as a puzzle. You’ve got many different pieces, all different shapes and sizes, and they all contribute to the finished picture. Except with a puzzle, you have to have every piece for the puzzle to work.
It’s not that way with Rally CRM™. CRM stands for Customer Relationship Manager, and that very succinctly describes what it does. You can take one or two or all of Rally’s puzzle pieces and they’ll greatly enhance your ability to raise money online. Of course, you get the prettiest picture (keeping with our puzzle metaphor) when you use all the pieces together–but you don’t have to.
This means it can work for you–no matter what your budget!
Early trials have shown that you’ll make back the money you spend on Rally CMS within a couple of months of launch.
Here are the pieces:
Social Media
Event Management
Donation Management
Email Newsletters & Communications(Replaces Constant Contact or other online marketing tools)
Constituent Relationship Management
Would you like a tour?
The lists of features can sometimes be too much to absorb. We would love to walk you through how these features work, and show you how easy they’ll be for you to manage yourself with a little training. We are also really excited to show you what we’ve done for agencies just like yours!
Contact us today for a tour. There’s no obligation or pressure. We’re just really excited about this and eager to show you how much you can do. We believe that we’ll see your organization double, triple, even quadruple your online earnings with these tools!