Gearing up for HSUS Taking Action for Animals Conference!

Washington, D.C. here I come!

It’s my first visit to the nation’s capitol, and I’m pretty excited. Not only do I get to rub shoulders with some of the coolest and smartest people in the animal welfare world, I get to teach some of them about social media! This is the kind of thing I have wanted to do with The Social Animal from the very beginning.

Along the way launching this site I’ve had some very bumpy roads, but from here on out it’s going to be a lot smoother. More content, updated more regularly. So if you’ve been hanging in there with me, I am very grateful! If you’re just now joining us, then you’re in for some great and helpful content.

As always, if there are specific issues you’re facing or something you don’t understand about your social media, please leave a comment or shoot me an email. I’d be glad to answer any questions publicly so everyone can learn together. That is the whole purpose of this site, after all!

If you’re coming to TAFA, email me or tweet me! I’d love to meet you there. I’ll be posting notes and video throughout the conference. Thanks for joining me!

p.s. are you on Facebook yet? Facebook just surpassed 250 MILLION users last week. yep, that’s a quarter of a billion individuals using this free service. Take a few minutes and create a profile for yourself and a page or group for your organization. Don’t know how? Look for a video here soon that will walk you through it!

Talk soon,


Get in Touch!

I'm available via most social media, so drop me a line! I'll answer your questions and I really look forward to hearing from you and helping if I can!

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