C.A.R.A. Shelter Receives Recognition (and RESULTS) for Social Media Efforts

I wanted to give a big shout out and congratulations to my friends at CARA (Community Animal Rescue and Adoption) in Jackson, MS. This video posted on YouTube gives a great overview of their shelter and what they do, but also details how they’ve been able to build up their efforts through social media.

CARA is the largest no-kill shelter in Mississippi, and their support extends far beyond the borders of their community because they take the time to focus on steady communication with fans and friends all over the country. A few minutes a day on Facebook and Twitter has made an incredible difference for this organization, and it can for yours, too!

Watch the video and see what this group is doing right–and take a page from their book and start a social media plan at your shelter!

Get in Touch!

I'm available via most social media, so drop me a line! I'll answer your questions and I really look forward to hearing from you and helping if I can!

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