How to Change Your Facebook Page Template from Emily Garman on Vimeo.
So this is just a dummy page I’ve set up for training purposes. In this video I’ll show you how to change your Facebook page template.
This is only available for pages (not profiles or groups) and you must be an admin on your page.
Go to your page and click on “Settings.”
Click on “edit page”
And right here in the center is where you choose the template. “Standard” is the default, but if you click on “edit” you can choose from several templates available: standard, nonprofit, business, venues, politicians, services, restaurants and shopping. We’ll choose nonprofit.
If you click on view details, you can see more information about each template and you can select that template.
Look at the different notes about how it will change your page, and then click on “Apply template.”
Confirm the changes it’s going to make to your page, and click OK.
Just remember you can always switch this back to “standard” if you don’t like the changes. Honestly, it really doesn’t make any significant changes in the way the page looks to visitors–just the way the tabs and buttons appear.
Now you can edit your tabs and buttons. It will default to “use default tabs,” which just means they will appear in the order displayed below. But you can turn that off and/or you can order them differently either way, and change it any time you want. You can also remove any tabs you don’t use or need. (to do that, just click on “settings” for that tab, and turn the switch on “show page tab” to “off.” You can’t turn off all the tabs–some Facebook makes you keep.)
You’ll see the default Facebook tabs at the top–about, photos, events, etc. and then the ones you’ve added, or other ones that Facebook decides your page needs, after that. Some of these are different depending on which page template you choose.
So now you can go back and see what it looks like on your page. As you can see, it really doesn’t change the look of your page much at all–just the placement of some buttons and the tabs that appear.
If you just now changed to a nonprofit page template, you might not have had a Facebook donate button before. You want to make sure and set that up. Click on “add a button” to set up the donate button.
Choose “make a purchase or donation.” Choose “donate,” and enter the URL of the donate page you want to send people to. This could be the donate page on your website, or a PayPal page URL–be sure to send them directly to the page you want them to donate on–not to your main home page.
Make sure to fill in the rest of the areas on your page, the about section, operating hours and that sort of thing. And go ahead and remove any tabs that don’t have content or that you aren’t using.
So hopefully this is just the beginning of Facebook letting businesses and organizations have more control over their pages!
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