Are you using Facebook to its fullest potential? You can have more on your Facebook page than the usual Photos, Wall, Events, etc. You could have a donate page, or a listing of your adoptable animals, or a photo gallery, or an email list signup box, or a calendar, or an event invitation…the list goes on and on!
Join me this Thursday, September 1, at 12:00 pm Central (1:00 pm Eastern/10:00 am Pacific)
If you haven’t already set up a Facebook page for your organization or business, you’ll need to do that first. You can learn how to create a Facebook page in this video.
This webinar will show you how to install custom tabs on your page with any content you want to share with your fans! You can also keep content hidden until someone becomes a fan, if you wish!
Facebook has changed a lot over the last six months, so join me to learn how to set up your own custom Facebook page–for Free.
You need to pre-register for the webinar, so please click here to register now!
Let me be clear: I am NOT selling anything on this webinar. And it’s not just a “here’s why you should have a Facebook page” kind of thing. I am going to walk you through the process, step by step, and answer your questions at the end. This is designed for beginners, not advanced computer users. Please join us–these tend to be really good webinars (if I don’t say so myself!)
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